52 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question #20 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question for PSC, NEC, UPSC, SSC and Many more. 1 / 25 1. The rejected or left as worthless liquid, semi liquid and solid waste is known as … A. Refuse B. Garbage C. Sullage D. Night soil 2 / 25 2. The wastewater from bathroom, kitchen, wash basins and other washing place except toilets is known as A. Refuse B. Garbage C. Sullage D. Night soil 3 / 25 3. The waste water from discharge from sullage, toilet, urinals, groundwater, storm water, surface water, industrial wastewater etc. is known as …… A. Refuse B. Garbage C. Sewage D. Night soil 4 / 25 4. Specific gravity of sewage is A. Less than one B. Slightly more than one C. More than 2 D. More than 3 5 / 25 5. The characteristics of fresh and septic sewage are ……… A. Alkaline and acidic B. Acidic and alkaline C. Acidic and acidic D. Alkaline and alkaline 6 / 25 6. Sanitary sewage means A. Domestic sewage B. Industrial sewage C. Both a and b D. None of the above 7 / 25 7. Which one of the following does not require treatment before its disposal? A. Storm sewage B. Domestic sewage C. Industrial sewage D. All of these 8 / 25 8. The matter deposited at the bottom of a tank, which is in a semi-solid condition is called A. Sludge B. Scum C. Sullage D. Sewage 9 / 25 9. The sewer designed to carry maximum discharge while flowing …………..for large sewer. A. 2/3 full B. 3/2 full C. ½ full D. 2/1 full 10 / 25 10. Which test is must use for house sewer? A. Water test B. Air test C. Compaction test D. Smoke test 11 / 25 11. A sewer that collects sewage from toilets is called A. Lateral sewer B. Branch sewer C. Main sewer D. Outfall sewer 12 / 25 12. The sewer meant to carry excess discharge from existing sewer is called A. Main sewer B. Trunk sewer C. Outfall sewer D. Relief sewer 13 / 25 13. A sewer which receives discharge of a number of house sewer is called A. House sewer B. Lateral sewer C. Intercepting sewer D. Sub main sewer 14 / 25 14. A sewer which gets discharge from two or more main sewers is called A. Main sewer B. Trunk sewer C. Combine sewer D. Intercepting sewer 15 / 25 15. A sewer which gets its flow from a number of transverse sewer is known as A. Interceptor B. Interconnector C. Head sewer D. Branch sewer 16 / 25 16. The lowest and highest point of the interior of as sewer or drain at any cross section is called A. Invert and crown B. Crown and invert C. Sullage and sludge D. All of the above 17 / 25 17. The entire science of collection and carrying of sewage is known as….. A. Sewage B. Sewerage C. Sewer D. All of the above 18 / 25 18. Which type of sewer serves as an outlet for large territory? A. Lateral sewer B. Main sewer C. Branch sewer D. Separate sewer 19 / 25 19. Which sewer collects sewage directly from the house? A. Main sewer B. Outfall sewer C. Lateral sewer D. Intercepting sewer 20 / 25 20. _______ sewer collects sewage from collecting system to a disposal plant? A. House sewer B. Outfall sewer C. Lateral sewer D. Separate sewer 21 / 25 21. Which sewer is also called as sub-main sewer? A. Branch sewer B. Separate sewer C. Main sewer D. Lateral sewer 22 / 25 22. The means of promoting hygiene through the prevention of human contact with the hazards of wastes especially feces is called ________ A. Hygiene control B. Disease prevention C. Sanitation D. Hygiene 23 / 25 23. Which of the following is an advantage of the conservancy system over water carriage system? A. Labour force B. Water consumption C. Compact house design D. Spread of epidemic 24 / 25 24. The system to collect night soil, garbage etc. in separate vessels or deposited in pools and pits is called _______ A. Conservancy system B. Waste allocation system C. Waste deposition system D. Waste pit 25 / 25 25. Which of the following is the 1st stage of wastewater and solid waste management? A. Collection works B. Conveyance works C. Treatment works D. Disposal works Your score is The average score is 51% 0% Restart quiz Exit civil engineermock testpscupscWater Supply & Sanitation