198 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question #25 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question for PSC, NEC, UPSC, SSC and Many more. 1 / 25 1. Inverted siphon is called A. Special sewer B. General sewer C. Depressed sewer D. None of the above 2 / 25 2. Inverted siphon is made of A. One pipe B. Two pipe C. Three pipe D. Four pipe 3 / 25 3. A structure constructed to remove obstacles in the sewer is known as A. Catch basin B. Lamp hole C. Cleanouts D. Flushing tank 4 / 25 4. The small sewers are cleaned by A. Flushing B. Cane rodding C. Wooden pills D. None of these 5 / 25 5. When the size of a sewer line is greater than 0.6 m and less than 0.9 m, the recommended spacing of manholes, A. 45 m B. 75 m C. 90 m D. 120 m 6 / 25 6. The sewers of circular sections are most suitable when they run A. At least one-fourth full B. At least half full C. More than half full D. Completely full 7 / 25 7. When fall in elevation is greater than 60cm the manhole provided is called A. Lamp hole B. Flight manhole C. Drop manhole D. Fall manhole 8 / 25 8. Drop manholes are provided on sewers in A. Hilly towns B. Plain towns C. Manhole is deep D. None of the above 9 / 25 9. A lamp hole is helpful in: A. Illuminating sewer line B. Cleaning sewer line C. Repairing D. Testing sewers 10 / 25 10. Before entering a manhole, a candle is lowered into the manhole A. To illuminate it B. To detect toxic gases C. To give a signal to the adjacent manhole D. To find out presence of oxygen 11 / 25 11. Where it is not possible to obtain self-cleaning velocities for sewers, flush are provided with minimum available head of A. 1-3m B. 3-5m C. 5-7m D. 7-10m 12 / 25 12. Flush air inlets are sometimes called A. Ventilated lamp holes B. Well holes C. Clean outs D. Flushing tanks 13 / 25 13. A structure constructed where self-cleaning velocity is not developed to prevent choking is called A. Catch basin B. Flushing tank C. Manhole D. Inverted siphon 14 / 25 14. Treatment of sewage of small estates and colonies is done by A. Aerated lagoon B. Oxidation ponds C. Oxidation ditch D. All of the above 15 / 25 15. The device is placed on sewer pipe for preventing entry of bird it into A. Cowl B. Vent pipe C. Anti shiponage D. Duct 16 / 25 16. The type of sanitation in which urine and soil is separated is: A. VIP latrine B. Septic tank C. Aqua privy D. Eco sanitation 17 / 25 17. Letache is observed in A. Septic tank B. Sewage C. Landfill D. None of the above 18 / 25 18. The pipe used to carry discharge from sanitary fitting like bathrooms, kitchen etc. A. Waste pipe B. Soil pipe C. Vent pipe D. Anti-siphonage pipe 19 / 25 19. Manholes along the mains from the source to a city are provided at 500 m interval in A. Steel pipes B. R.c.c. pipes C. Hume steel pipe D. All of the above 20 / 25 20. Anti-siphon age pipe is connected to A. Top of P Trap W.C. B. Main soil pipe C. Bottom of P Trap W.C. D. Side of water closet 21 / 25 21. The color of septic sewage is A. Grey B. Black C. White D. Blue 22 / 25 22. Any trap is intended to trap foul gasses with the provision of A. Clear seal B. Sewage of sullage C. Otta seal D. Water seal 23 / 25 23. The last trap provided in a house drainage system is A. Q-trap B. Floor trap C. Nahni trap D. Interception trap 24 / 25 24. Which trap has parallel legs? A. P-trap B. Q-trap C. Gully trap D. S-trap 25 / 25 25. Which trap has perpendicular legs? A. P-trap B. Q-trap C. Gully trap D. S-trap Your score is The average score is 45% 0% Restart quiz Exit civil engineermcqcivilmock testnecpscupscWater Supply & Sanitation