Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question #23

Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question for PSC, NEC, UPSC, SSC and Many more.

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1. The optimum maximum and minimum velocities for maximum and minimum flows of sewer respectively in m/sec are ……

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2. The self-cleaning velocity normally adopted for sewage is

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3. Larger velocities in drain and sewers should be avoided to ……

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4. When limiting non-scouring velocity is 5 m/sec of the sewer generally used is

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5. The highest non-scouring velocity in sewer may be allowed in

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6. Non-scouring velocity in concrete sewer is……..

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7. The velocity of flow does not depend on

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8. In Cheyz’s formula v=c√𝑚𝑠 for calculating the velocity of flow in circular sewer, the Cheyz’s constant c depends upon

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9. The gradient to be provided for sewers depended upon

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10. The gradient of sewer is

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11. For 150mm diameter sewer, the gradient required to generate self-cleaning velocity is

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12. Laying of sewer is generally done with the help of

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13. The gases are given out of septic tank are

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14. The gas most commonly associated with septic waste water is

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15. A septic tank is a water tight tank where the following operation take pace

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16. Septic tank effluent is

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17. Baffle wall in septic tank is

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18. Septic tank is provided for

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19. The digested sludge from septic tanks, is removed after a maximum period of

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20. The detention time in a septic tank is usually

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21. From septic tank the effluents are discharged into

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22. In septic tanks, decomposition of organic bacteria, is done by

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23. The length of septic tank is …………. times of its width

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24. What is the shape of septic tank

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25. Septic tank is best suited for

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