61 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question #22 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question for PSC, NEC, UPSC, SSC and Many more. 1 / 25 1. The types of sewer suitable for separate system where discharge is uniform A. Egged shaped B. Horse shoe C. Circular D. Elliptical 2 / 25 2. Sewer preferred for combined system of sewage is A. Rectangular sewer B. Circular sewer C. Egged shaped sewer D. None of the above 3 / 25 3. Most suitable section, when maximum and minimum flow ratio is not much is A. Circular section B. Rectangular section C. Horse shoe section D. Egg shaped section 4 / 25 4. Most suitable section of sewer in separate sewage system is A. Rectangular sewer B. Circular sewer C. Egged shaped sewer D. None of the above 5 / 25 5. Suitable sewer section of sewer in separate and combine system is A. Circular section B. Rectangular section C. Horse shoe section D. Egg shaped section 6 / 25 6. The shape of trunk and outfall type of sewer is usually A. Circular B. Rectangular type C. Horse shoe type D. Egg shaped type 7 / 25 7. A circular section of sewer has advantage of A. Least parameter for a given area B. Offers least opportunities for deposits C. Highest velocity when full or half full D. All of the above 8 / 25 8. An egg shaped sewer section of sewer A. Is economical than circular section B. Is more stable than circular section C. Provides self-cleaning velocity at low discharge D. None of the above 9 / 25 9. A circular section for sewer is preferred only up to a diameter of A. 100cm B. 200cm C. 300cm D. 600cm 10 / 25 10. The maximum diameter of sewers adopted in the design is A. 1 m B. 2 m C. 3 m D. 4 m 11 / 25 11. The minimum diameter of sewer adopted in the design is A. 10 cm B. 12.5 cm C. 15 cm D. 25 cm 12 / 25 12. The sewage consists of water A. 80% B. 90% C. 95% D. 99.9% 13 / 25 13. Sewerage system is designed for A. Maximum flow only B. Minimum flow only C. Average flow only D. Maximum & minimum flow 14 / 25 14. It is practical to design sewer for the self-cleaning velocity A. Ultimate peak flow B. Minimum flow C. Maximum flow D. Extra flow 15 / 25 15. Sewer has to bear A. Internal pressure of sewage B. Temperature stresses C. Force due to external loads D. All of the above 16 / 25 16. A sanitary sewer is expected to run A. full B. 2/3 full C. half full D. 90% full 17 / 25 17. In an egged shaped sewer section, the maximum discharge occurs when the depth of flow is A. 0.25d B. 0.50d C. 0.75d D. 0.95d 18 / 25 18. The maximum velocity occurs in an egg shaped sewer when the ratio of depth of flow to vertical diameter is A. 0.33 B. 0.50 C. 0.81 D. 0.95 19 / 25 19. If D is the diameter of upper circular portion the overall depth of a standard egged shaped section is A. D B. 1.2D C. 1.5D D. 2D 20 / 25 20. The maximum velocity in a circular sewer diameter D occurs when depth of flow is A. 3.5D B. 0.73D C. 0.81D D. 0.90D 21 / 25 21. The maximum discharge in a circular sewer diameter D occurs when depth of flow is A. 0.95D B. 0.8D C. 0.5D D. 0.6D 22 / 25 22. The ratio of maximum to average sewage flow for mains up to 1m in diameter is usually A. 1.0 B. 1.2 C. 1.5 D. 2.0 23 / 25 23. When more than two sewers join in a manhole: A. Their top should be at same level B. Their center should be at the same level C. Their bottoms should be at the same level D. They can be either way 24 / 25 24. As the diameter of sewer increases, the self-cleaning velocity A. Increases B. Decreases C. Remains D. Depends on other factors 25 / 25 25. In cold country design of velocity of large sewer is A. 0.3m/s B. 0.6m/s C. 0.9m/s D. 1.2m/s Your score is The average score is 51% 0% Restart quiz Exit civil engineermcqcivilnecpscupscWater Supply & Sanitation
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Ramesh Pal
I want to get knowledge and information of all civil engineering subjects which help me to crack different competitive exam and thank you MCQ civil