Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question #16

Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question for PSC, NEC, UPSC, SSC and Many more.

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1. Booster pumps is used for:

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2. The pump which is used for increase pressure in pipe line

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3. Which of the following pump has high head and low discharge pump?

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4. Which pump is used when discharge is high and head is low?

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5. Core drilling is suitable for

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6. Following material is used during drilling to prevent from caving

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7. The process of removal of floating matter from water known as …..

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8. The bar or rack screen placed

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9. The shape of fine screening

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10. The process of settling suspended matter present in water to the bottom of sedimentation tank under the action of gravity force is known as……

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11. Sedimentation with coagulation is also known as

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12. The detention period in plain sedimentation tank is

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13. The velocity of flow of water in sedimentation tank is about……

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14. In plain sedimentation

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15. Mostly used coagulant is

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16. Alum Increase

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17. The alum, when mixed with water as a coagulant ………… PH value of water.

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18. The process of passing water through beds of granular materials, is called

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19. Theory of filtration

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20. If you have to design a simple water filtration unit for community water supply system, which type of filter you will choose in general?

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21. In water treatment, a rapid gravity filter is adopted to remove ….

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22. The period of cleaning slow sand filters is usually …

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23. Slow sand filter is efficient to remove the bacteria from the raw water to an extent of

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24. The rapid sand filters can remove bacteria as much as……..percent.

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25. The cleaning of slow sand filter is done by

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