55 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question #16 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question for PSC, NEC, UPSC, SSC and Many more. 1 / 25 1. Booster pumps is used for: A. Water supply B. Sewage pumping C. Pressure increase D. Drinking purpose 2 / 25 2. The pump which is used for increase pressure in pipe line A. Booster pump B. Intensifier C. Traddle pump D. Both a and b 3 / 25 3. Which of the following pump has high head and low discharge pump? A. Hydraulic ram B. Rotary pump C. Centrifugal pump D. Pulsometer pump 4 / 25 4. Which pump is used when discharge is high and head is low? A. Hydraulic ram B. Rotary pump C. Centrifugal pump D. Pulsometer pump 5 / 25 5. Core drilling is suitable for A. Hard rock B. Soft soil C. Alluvial soil D. Unconsolidated soil 6 / 25 6. Following material is used during drilling to prevent from caving A. Bentonite B. Thixotropy C. Both a) and b) D. None of the above 7 / 25 7. The process of removal of floating matter from water known as ….. A. Screening B. Sedimentation C. Filtration D. None of above 8 / 25 8. The bar or rack screen placed A. (3-6) V:1H B. 1H:(3-6) V C. Both of the above D. None of the above 9 / 25 9. The shape of fine screening A. Hemispherical B. Semicircular C. Elliptical D. Rectangular 10 / 25 10. The process of settling suspended matter present in water to the bottom of sedimentation tank under the action of gravity force is known as…… A. Screening B. Plain sedimentation C. Sedimentation with coagulation D. none of above 11 / 25 11. Sedimentation with coagulation is also known as A. plain sedimentation B. force sedimentation C. disinfection D. chlorination 12 / 25 12. The detention period in plain sedimentation tank is A. 4 to 8 hours B. 1 to 4 hours C. 2 to 8 hours D. 2 to 4 hours 13 / 25 13. The velocity of flow of water in sedimentation tank is about…… A. 50 to 100mm/sec B. 150 to 300mm/sec C. 150 to 300mm/min D. 150 to 300mm/hour 14 / 25 14. In plain sedimentation A. Time of detention always> Time of supply. B. Time of detention always<Time of supply C. Time of detention always=Time of supply D. All of the above 15 / 25 15. Mostly used coagulant is A. Alum B. Lime C. Chlorine D. Bleaching power 16 / 25 16. Alum Increase A. Hardness of water B. Carbonate of water C. Sulphate of water D. Acidity of water 17 / 25 17. The alum, when mixed with water as a coagulant ………… PH value of water. A. Decrease B. Increase C. No change D. None of the above 18 / 25 18. The process of passing water through beds of granular materials, is called A. Screening B. Sedimentation C. Filtration D. None of above 19 / 25 19. Theory of filtration A. Mechanical straining B. Sedimentation C. Biological metabolism D. All of the above 20 / 25 20. If you have to design a simple water filtration unit for community water supply system, which type of filter you will choose in general? A. Slow sand filter B. Rapid sand filter C. Trickling filter D. Pressure filter 21 / 25 21. In water treatment, a rapid gravity filter is adopted to remove …. A. Dissolve organic substances B. Dissolve solids and dissolved gases C. Floating solids and dissolved organic solids D. Bacteria and colloidal solids 22 / 25 22. The period of cleaning slow sand filters is usually … A. 5 to 10 days B. 2 to 3 weeks C. 1 to 3 month D. 3 to 6 month 23 / 25 23. Slow sand filter is efficient to remove the bacteria from the raw water to an extent of A. 85% B. 50% C. 70% D. 99% 24 / 25 24. The rapid sand filters can remove bacteria as much as……..percent. A. 70 to 80 B. 80 to 90 C. 90 to 98 D. 98 to 99 25 / 25 25. The cleaning of slow sand filter is done by A. Backwashing the filter B. Passing the air through the filter C. Passing solution of alum and lime through the filter D. Scrapping off the top layers of sand and admitting water Your score is The average score is 42% 0% Restart quiz Exit civil engineermcqcivilnecpscupscWater Supply & Sanitation