32 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question #15 Water Supply & Sanitation Chapter Wise McQ Test of 25 Question for PSC, NEC, UPSC, SSC and Many more. 1 / 25 1. The water is collected for sample from the stream or river is A. 10-20cm below from the surface B. 20-30cm below the from the surface C. 30-40cm below from the surface D. 40-50cm below from the surface 2 / 25 2. Quality of water is said to be good if it is A. free from suspended matter B. colorless, tasteless C. free from pathogenic organism D. all of the above 3 / 25 3. B-coli test is conducted to serve as a A. very good indicator of pathogenic bacteria B. very good indicator of acidity C. very good indicator of alkalinity D. Means of detect turbidity 4 / 25 4. In presumptive test for B-coli culture medium is used A. Lactose broth B. Lactose bile C. KMNO4 D. KMNO4 5 / 25 5. Most dangerous metal for human health A. Zinc B. Lead C. Copper D. Iron 6 / 25 6. Which metal is good for keeping drinking water? A. Copper B. Zinc C. Brass D. Iron 7 / 25 7. Kidney damage may be caused due to the excess concentration of A. Fluorides B. Nitrates C. Chlorides D. Nitrates 8 / 25 8. The maximum amount of copper in domestic water should be A. Up to 3PPM B. Up to 15PMM C. Up to 45PMM D. All of the above 9 / 25 9. Water for domestic use should have A. Sweet smell B. Faint smell C. Inoffensive smell D. No smell 10 / 25 10. Suspended impurities include A. algae B. protozoa C. fungi D. all of the above 11 / 25 11. The ground water is generally free from A. suspended B. dissolved C. both A & B D. none 12 / 25 12. Which of the following impurities in water is removed by the sedimentation process? A. Total dissolved solids B. Bacteria C. Iron and manganese D. Suspended solids 13 / 25 13. Turbidity is mainly due to A. Floating solids B. Suspended solids C. Colloidal solids D. Dissolved solids 14 / 25 14. Presence of algae in water indicates that the water is A. Hard B. Soft C. Acidic D. Pure 15 / 25 15. When lead is present in water, it A. Changes its color B. Causes turbidity C. Causes alkalinity D. None of these 16 / 25 16. The presence of hydrogen sulphide in water causes A. Softening B. Acidity C. Alkalinity D. Bad test 17 / 25 17. Turbidity of raw water is a measure of A. Suspended solid B. Acidity of water C. BOD D. None of the above 18 / 25 18. The type of pump suitable for water as well as sewage is A. Hydraulic ram B. Rotary pump C. Centrifugal pump D. Pulsometer pump 19 / 25 19. which type of pump is suitable for pumping of large quantity of sewage A. Hydraulic ram B. Rotary pump C. Centrifugal pump D. Pulsometer pump 20 / 25 20. The pump doesn’t require any power, energy, fuel etc. for its working is A. Hydraulic ram B. Rotary pump C. centrifugal pump D. Reciprocatory 21 / 25 21. Traddle pump is operated by A. Hand B. Foot C. Electric D. All of the above 22 / 25 22. Rotary pump are suited for A. Small discharge B. Large discharge C. High head D. None of the above 23 / 25 23. The head developed in a centrifugal pump at zero discharge is known as A. Low head B. High head C. Medium head D. Shut off head 24 / 25 24. Water horse power is given by A. P = 𝑊𝐻𝑄/ 75 B. P = 𝑊𝐻𝑄/ 360 C. P = 𝑊𝐻𝑄/ 220 D. P = 𝑊𝐻𝑄/ 95 25 / 25 25. Pump efficiency is 85%, motor efficiency is 94% then the combined efficiency of the two is A. 90% B. 80% C. 70% D. 85% Your score is The average score is 48% 0% Restart quiz Exit civil engineermcqcivilnecpscupscWater Supply & Sanitation