169 Sub-Engineer Mock Test of 50 Past Question #20 Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test. 1 / 50 1. Cadastral Map is a map having A. small scale B. medium scale C. large scale D. all of the above 2 / 50 2. Which one is the simplest survey A. chain survey B. compass survey C. plane table survey D. levelling 3 / 50 3. True meridians A. are parallel to each other B. converge at a point called pole C. converge near equator D. none of the above 4 / 50 4. An imaginary line laying through the surface of ground, having constant inclination to the horizontal is known as A. contour interval B. contour gradient C. horizontal equivalent D. contour line 5 / 50 5. Turpentine oil is used in paints as a A. base B. thinner C. drier D. vehicle 6 / 50 6. The small areas on painted surface enclosed by hair line cracks are called A. crazing B. crocodiling C. chalking D. blistering 7 / 50 7. The maximum percentage of water absorption of 2 nd class brick in 24 hrs should be limited to A. 10 % B. 15 % C. 20 % D. 24 % 8 / 50 8. Which of the following pairs give a correct combination of the useful and harmful constituents respectively of a good brick earth A. Lime stone & Alumina B. Alumina and iron C. Silica and Alkalies D. Alkalies and magnesium 9 / 50 9. The shear center may be defined as A. the point through which the resultant of the shear stress pass B. the point about which the moment of shear floe is zero C. the center of gravity of section D. none of the above 10 / 50 10. The amount of shear force at the maximum bending moment A. minimum B. medium C. maximum D. zero 11 / 50 11. The brittle material have low toughness because they A. large plastic deformation before failure B. small plastic deformation before failure C. no plastic deformation before failure D. can absorb impact load also 12 / 50 12. The bending moment acting on the plane of an element will cause the following type of stress on the plane A. normal stress B. tension stress C. axial stress D. transverse shear stress 13 / 50 13. To draw or measure angles ……… is used, A. Set-square B. T-square C. Protractor D. all of above 14 / 50 14. For dimensioning and lettering normally following pencil are used A. H & HB B. H & 2HB C. 2H & 2HB D. 2H & HB 15 / 50 15. The size of A3 paper is A. 297 mm x 420 mm B. 210 mm x 297 mm C. 420 mm x 850 mm D. None of the above 16 / 50 16. The drawing for municipality is done at scale A. 1" = 8' B. 1:50 C. 1:100 D. Both a & c 17 / 50 17. The cement widely used in retaining wall, is A. Rapid hardening cement B. Low heat cement C. Sulphate resisting cement D. Ordinary Portland cement 18 / 50 18. To prevent segregation, the maximum height of for placing concrete, is A. 100 cm B. 125 cm C. 150 cm D. 200 cm 19 / 50 19. The top diameter, bottom diameter, and height of the slump mould are : A. 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm B. 10 cm, 30 cm, 20 cm C. 20 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm D. None of the above 20 / 50 20. Unit weight of PCC ( Plain Cement concrete) is A. 24 KN/m3 B. 25 KN/m3 C. 2.4 T/m3 D. Both (A) and (C) 21 / 50 21. In RCC beam, if the amount of steel increase the depth of N.A A. constant B. increase C. decrease D. none of the above 22 / 50 22. Side face reinforcement is provided in a beam when the depth of web in a beam exceeds A. 250 mm B. 500 mm C. 750mm D. 1000 mm 23 / 50 23. The state of concrete are: A. elastic and hardened state B. plastic and hardened state C. elastic and plastic state D. All of the above 24 / 50 24. The cover provided in the column having size greater than 200 mm x 200 mm A. 15 mm B. 20 mm C. 25 mm D. 40 mm 25 / 50 25. The main purpose of cavity wall is A. sound insulation B. damp proofing C. heat insulation D. cost saving 26 / 50 26. The cement sand mortar preferred in load bearing wall is A. 1:2 B. 1:4 C. 1:6 D. 1:8 27 / 50 27. Depth of foundation is determined by A. types of structure B. B.C of soil C. surrounding structures D. none of the above 28 / 50 28. The 9 cm x 9 cm side of brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known as A. stretcher B. face C. front D. header 29 / 50 29. The maximum concentration of zinc in drinking water is A. 2 ppm B. 3 ppm C. 4 ppm D. 5 ppm 30 / 50 30. Wholesome water is also known as A. Potable water B. Polluted water C. Contaminated water D. All of the above 31 / 50 31. Two sewer section laid at same grade, will be hydraulically equivalent, if A. Their discharge capacity when running full are equal B. Their flow velocity when running full are equal C. Their flowing area running full are equal D. All the above factors are equal 32 / 50 32. Widely used pipe for rural water supply in Nepal is .. A. HDP Pipes B. G.I pipes C. PVC pipes D. C.I pipes 33 / 50 33. Water shed line is abandoned for aligning an irrigation canal, if A. water shed forms a sharp loop B. canal has to take off from a river C. towns and village are located on the water shed line D. all the above 34 / 50 34. The phenomenon of salt coming up in solution and forming a layer of crust on surface after the evaporation of water is known as A. Reclamation B. Leaching C. Efflorescence D. Salinity 35 / 50 35. The crops which improves the nitrogen content of soil , is A. aquatic crop B. perennial crop C. leguminous crop D. all of the above 36 / 50 36. Lime concrete lining is used A. When velocity flow is below 2 m/s B. in irrigation channels with capacities upto 200 cumecs C. where economy is required D. all of the above 37 / 50 37. A deep and big depression on a road is called A. pot holes B. longitudinal rut C. cross rut D. crack 38 / 50 38. Road furniture means A. information board B. warning sign C. informatory sign D. all of the above 39 / 50 39. The methods of designing flexible pavement as recommended by Nepal Road Standard is A. CBR methods B. group index methods C. westergaard methods D. Benkelman beam methods 40 / 50 40. The portion of road causing loud rumbling sound and vibration, when a vehicle passes over them is called A. rumble strip B. zebra crossing C. bridge D. median strip 41 / 50 41. The distance over which excavated material is transported, is called A. lead B. haul C. run D. all of the above 42 / 50 42. For electric wiring such as fan, light, plug etc, the estimate is made in terms of .. A. type of point B. number of points C. total load in main kw D. total length of wiring in meters 43 / 50 43. The number of skilled manpower required for fabrication of 1 MT steel is A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D. 16 44 / 50 44. In PERT technique, completion of an activity is called A. head activity B. head event C. tail event D. tail activity 45 / 50 45. Total projects time is the A. sum of duration of all activities B. sum of duration of non-critical activities C. sum of duration of critical activities D. none of the above 46 / 50 46. Residential building are termed as A. Light construction B. heavy construction C. industrial construction D. none of the above 47 / 50 47. Tender document does not contain A. tender form B. BOQ C. amount of earnest money D. unit rate 48 / 50 48. The name of the first plane landed on the old golf course which makes the present location of T.I.A A. twinatter B. glider C. boing D. helicopter 49 / 50 49. International Civil Aviation Organization(I.C.A.O) was set up at montreal A. 1929 B. 1939 C. 1947 D. 1950 50 / 50 50. Unit weight of concrete is A. 20kN/m3 B. 18kN/m3 C. 10kN/m3 D. 25kN/m3 Your score is The average score is 69% 0% Restart quiz Exit mcqmcq civilmcqcivilmock testpscsub engineersub engineer mock test