Sub-Engineer Mock Test of 50 Past Question #20

Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test.

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1. Cadastral Map is a map having

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2. Which one is the simplest survey

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3. True meridians

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4. An imaginary line laying through the surface of ground, having constant
inclination to the horizontal is known as

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5. Turpentine oil is used in paints as a

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6. The small areas on painted surface enclosed by hair line cracks are called

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7. The maximum percentage of water absorption of 2 nd class brick in 24 hrs should
be limited to

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8. Which of the following pairs give a correct combination of the useful and harmful
constituents respectively of a good brick earth

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9. The shear center may be defined as

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10. The amount of shear force at the maximum bending moment

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11. The brittle material have low toughness because they

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12. The bending moment acting on the plane of an element will cause the following
type of stress on the plane

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13. To draw or measure angles ……… is used,

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14. For dimensioning and lettering normally following pencil are used

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15. The size of A3 paper is

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16. The drawing for municipality is done at scale

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17. The cement widely used in retaining wall, is

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18. To prevent segregation, the maximum height of for placing concrete, is

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19. The top diameter, bottom diameter, and height of the slump mould are :

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20. Unit weight of PCC ( Plain Cement concrete) is

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21. In RCC beam, if the amount of steel increase the depth of N.A

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22. Side face reinforcement is provided in a beam when the depth of web in a beam

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23. The state of concrete are:

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24. The cover provided in the column having size greater than 200 mm x 200 mm

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25. The main purpose of cavity wall is

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26. The cement sand mortar preferred in load bearing wall is

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27. Depth of foundation is determined by

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28. The 9 cm x 9 cm side of brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known as

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29. The maximum concentration of zinc in drinking water is

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30. Wholesome water is also known as

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31. Two sewer section laid at same grade, will be hydraulically equivalent, if

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32. Widely used pipe for rural water supply in Nepal is ..

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33. Water shed line is abandoned for aligning an irrigation canal, if

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34. The phenomenon of salt coming up in solution and forming a layer of crust on
surface after the evaporation of water is known as

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35. The crops which improves the nitrogen content of soil , is

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36. Lime concrete lining is used

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37. A deep and big depression on a road is called

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38. Road furniture means

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39. The methods of designing flexible pavement as recommended by Nepal Road
Standard is

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40. The portion of road causing loud rumbling sound and vibration, when a vehicle
passes over them is called

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41. The distance over which excavated material is transported, is called

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42. For electric wiring such as fan, light, plug etc, the estimate is made in terms of ..

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43. The number of skilled manpower required for fabrication of 1 MT steel is

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44. In PERT technique, completion of an activity is called

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45. Total projects time is the

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46. Residential building are termed as

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47. Tender document does not contain

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48. The name of the first plane landed on the old golf course which makes the present
location of T.I.A

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49. International Civil Aviation Organization(I.C.A.O) was set up at montreal

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50. Unit weight of concrete is

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