233 Sub-Engineer 50 Past Question Mock Test #7 Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test. 1 / 50 1. The collimation methods for obtaining the reduced level of points does not provide check on A. fore sight B. back sight C. intermediate points D. change point 2 / 50 2. The reduced level of the plane of collimation is ……height of instrument. A. equal to B. higher than C. lower than D. sometimes lower and some times higher 3 / 50 3. Plane scale are measured to A. two dimensional B. three dimensional C. both (a) and (b) D. none of the above 4 / 50 4. The leveling across a river is done by A. fly leveling B. Reciprocal leveling C. trigonometric leveling D. cross leveling 5 / 50 5. The most power full explosive used in blasting is A. blasting power B. dynamite C. gun cotton D. cordite 6 / 50 6. In order to dry the quarry sap of a freshly quarried stone, it should be exposed to open air for a period of A. one month B. four month C. six to twelve month D. two years 7 / 50 7. No of bricks required for one cubic meter as NS( machine made )are A. 360 B. 460 C. 530 D. 560 8 / 50 8. The cementing property in cement is mainly due to A. lime B. silica C. iron oxide D. alumina 9 / 50 9. As per IS specification, the minimum time for initial setting of ordinary Portland cement ( OPC) is A. 20 minutes B. 30 minutes C. 60 minutes D. 10 Hours 10 / 50 10. The property of a materials by which it can be beaten or rolled into plates, is called A. Malleability B. Ductility C. Plasticity D. Elasticity 11 / 50 11. Tensile test is done for A. Brittle Material B. Ductile Material C. Elastic material D. Plastic Material 12 / 50 12. The ultimate tensile stress for mild steel is ……… the ultimate compressive stress. A. equal to B. less than C. greater than D. any of these 13 / 50 13. If the velocity, pressure, density etc change at a point with respect to time, the flow is called A. Uniform B. Compressible C. Unsteady D. Incompressible 14 / 50 14. The stability of dam is checked for A. tension at the base B. overturning of the wall or dam C. sliding of the wall or dam D. all of these 15 / 50 15. A piezometer tube is used only for measuring A. low pressure B. high pressure C. moderate pressure D. vacuum pressure 16 / 50 16. Falling drops of water becomes spheres due to property of A. surface tension of water B. compressibility of water C. capillarity of water D. viscosity of water 17 / 50 17. The soil transported by running water is called A. Alluvial soil B. Lacustrine soil C. Aeolien soil D. Marine soil 18 / 50 18. The bearing capacity of soil depends upon the A. grain size of the soil B. size of footing C. shape of the footing D. all of these 19 / 50 19. The coefficient of active earth pressure is always ……as compared to coefficient of passive earth pressure A. less B. more C. sometimes more sometimes less D. none of the above 20 / 50 20. Shallow footing is one whose depth is A. Always equal to width B. Less than the width C. More than the width D. None of the above 21 / 50 21. In RCC beam, if the amount of steel increase the depth of N.A A. constant B. increase C. decrease D. none of the above 22 / 50 22. The maximum spacing of side face reinforcement in a beam should be A. 100 mm B. 200 mm C. 300mm D. 400 mm 23 / 50 23. Concrete is said to be grade of M20, if its 28 day strength is A. 2kg/ mm2 B. 20 kg/mm2 C. 200 kg/ mm2 D. 2000 kg/mm2 24 / 50 24. An under reinforced section means A. steel is provided at the under side only B. steel provided is insufficient C. steel provided on one face only D. steel will yield first 25 / 50 25. The floor height of 3 meter building is constructed 17 numbers of trade/going, the number of riser is A. 16 B. 18 C. 15 D. 17 26 / 50 26. Carpet area of building does not include the area of A. the wall along with doors and other opening B. verandah, corridor and passage C. bathroom and lavatory kitchen and pantry D. all of the above 27 / 50 27. In vertical D.P.C, thickness of cement concrete( 1:2:4) is A. 2 cm B. 4 cm C. 6 cm D. 8 cm 28 / 50 28. The height of parapet wall is generally kept A. 60 cm B. 75 cm C. 90 cm D. 105 cm 29 / 50 29. The maximum concentration of zinc in drinking water is A. 2 ppm B. 3 ppm C. 4 ppm D. 5 ppm 30 / 50 30. Wholesome water is also known as A. Potable water B. Polluted water C. Contaminated water D. All of the above 31 / 50 31. The device installed for drawing water from the source are called A. filters B. aquifers C. intakes D. None of the above 32 / 50 32. Widely used pipe for rural water supply in Nepal is A. HDP Pipes B. G.I pipes C. PVC pipes D. C.I pipes 33 / 50 33. Water shed line is abandoned for aligning an irrigation canal, if A. water shed forms a sharp loop B. canal has to take off from a river C. towns and village are located on the water shed line D. all the above 34 / 50 34. The phenomenon of salt coming up in solution and forming a layer of crust on surface after the evaporation of water is known as A. Reclamation B. Leaching C. Efflorescence D. Salinity 35 / 50 35. Irrigation canal are generally aligned along A. Ridge line B. Contour line C. Valley line D. Straight line 36 / 50 36. Lime concrete lining is used A. When velocity flow is below 2 m/s B. in irrigation channels with capacities upto 200 cumecs C. where economy is required D. all of the above 37 / 50 37. A deep and big depression on a road is called A. pot holes B. longitudinal rut C. cross rut D. crack 38 / 50 38. Highway code of BP highway is A. H02 B. H04 C. H06 D. H08 39 / 50 39. For the transportation purpose in Nepal, the first preference is given to A. airlines B. roads C. shipping D. railways 40 / 50 40. Horizontal distance between the centroids of the section of cutting and feeling is called A. lead B. lift C. interval D. none of the above 41 / 50 41. The order of booking dimension is A. Length, Breadth, Height B. Breadth, Length, Height C. Height, Breadth, Length D. Any of the above 42 / 50 42. For electric wiring such as fan, light, plug etc, the estimate is made in terms of A. type of point B. number of points C. total load in main kw D. total length of wiring in meters 43 / 50 43. The useful part of liveable area of a building is also known as A. Carpet area B. Circulation area C. Horizontal circulation area D. Plinth area 44 / 50 44. Brick wall are measured in sq meter if the thickness of the wall is A. 10 cm B. 15 cm C. 20 cm D. All of the above 45 / 50 45. In PERT technique, completion of an activity is called A. head activity B. head event C. tail event D. tail activity 46 / 50 46. Total projects time is the A. sum of duration of all activities B. sum of duration of non-critical activities C. sum of duration of critical activities D. none of the above 47 / 50 47. Residential building are termed as A. Light construction B. heavy construction C. industrial construction D. none of the above 48 / 50 48. Tender document does not contain A. tender form B. BOQ C. mount of earnest money D. unit rate 49 / 50 49. The name of the first plane landed on the old golf course which makes the present location of T.I.A A. twinatter B. glider C. boing D. helicopter 50 / 50 50. International Civil Aviation Organization(I.C.A.O) was set up at Montreal A. 1929 B. 1939 C. 1947 D. 1950 Your score is The average score is 74% 0% Restart quiz Exit loksewamcqmock testpscsub engineer