798 Sub-Engineer 50 Past Question Mock Test #1 Sub-Engineer 50 Collection of Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test. 1 / 50 1. Beaufort scales are used to determine A. Strength of winds B. Directions of winds C. Height of aircrafts D. None of the above 2 / 50 2. According to ICAO all marking on the runways are painted white and taxiways are A. Black B. Yellow C. Red D. Green 3 / 50 3. The main responsibility of civil sub engineer is ; A. To teach the sub-ordinate B. To plan and execute the works C. To understand the duites and responsibility D. All of the above 4 / 50 4. Aggregate planning is the planning of A. Single activity B. Double activity C. Whole project D. Events 5 / 50 5. Center line methods of estimation is adopted specially for A. Circular Building B. Hexagonal Building C. Octagonal Building D. All of the above 6 / 50 6. Unit of measurements of cribbing is; A. m B. m2 C. m3 D. kg 7 / 50 7. Number of highway in Nepal is A. . 15 B. 18 C. 21 D. 25 8 / 50 8. The rate of rise and fall along the road alignment, is called A. Gradient B. Camber C. Super-elevation D. Side slope 9 / 50 9. Mostly used road in Nepal A. Earthen road B. Cement concrete road C. WBM road D. Bitumenous road 10 / 50 10. Excessive camber on road surface may causes A. erosion of road surface B. Slip the speed vehicle C. formation of cracks on road surface D. All of the above 11 / 50 11. The minimum superelevation in rolling terrain in plains, is limited to A. 4 % B. 5 % C. 6 % D. 7 % 12 / 50 12. According to NRS 2070, the design speed of class I road in plain terrain should be A. 120 kmph B. 100 kmph C. 80 kmph D. 60 kmph 13 / 50 13. According to the Nepal Road Standard 2070, the right of way of nation highway should not be less than A. 20 m B. 30 m C. 50 m D. Any of the above 14 / 50 14. Traffic surveys are carried out A. To know type of traffic B. To determine the facilities to traffic regulations C. To design proper drainage system D. All of the above 15 / 50 15. In an ogee shaped spillway, the discharge is proportional to A. H B. √H C. (H)3/2 D. (H)5/2 16 / 50 16. Which of the following is the Mannings formula A. V= C√𝑅S B. V= 1 𝑛 S1/2R2/3 C. C√𝑅S D. V= 4.75√Q 17 / 50 17. The shaped of lined canal is recommended by ISI is; A. Triangular B. Rectangular C. Parabolic D. Trapezoidal 18 / 50 18. As the coefficient of friction increasing, the velocity in water canal A. Increase B. Decrease C. Remains Constant D. None of the above 19 / 50 19. Most used coagulant is A. Alum B. Chlorine C. lime D. Blenching powder 20 / 50 20. Hydraulic jump occurs when: A. Flow change from sub –critical to super critical B. Flow change from super critical to sub critical C. Flow change from sub-critical to critical D. None of the above 21 / 50 21. Water supply pipe line should be tested at a specified pressure from; A. one hour B. two hour C. three hour D. four hour 22 / 50 22. Source of water in mountain is; A. Tube well B. well C. stream D. None of the above 23 / 50 23. Slump used for beam and column A. 0 – 25 B. 25- 50 C. 50-100 D. 100-150 24 / 50 24. Curing of pavement floor and slabs is done by; A. Membrance methods B. ponding methods C. covering surface with bags D. Sprinkling methods 25 / 50 25. Ornamental projection from the face of the brick wall is called A. Header B. Stretcher C. Corbel D. Cornice 26 / 50 26. The cement sand mortar prefer in half brick wall is; A. 1:2 B. 1:3 C. 1:4 D. 1:5 27 / 50 27. The minimum length of bar which must be embedded in concrete beyond any section any section to develop the bond is A. Development length B. Lap length C. Splice length D. Curved length 28 / 50 28. Column fails by crushing is; A. Short column B. Medium column C. Long column D. Big column 29 / 50 29. According to Nepal Standard minimum diameter of reinforcement in a column shall not be less than A. 12 mm B. 16 mm C. 20 mm D. 8 mm 30 / 50 30. Young modulus of concrete (According to IS:450:2000) is; A. 5700√𝑓𝑐k B. 5000√𝑓𝑐𝑘 C. 5700fck D. 5000Fck 31 / 50 31. Black cotton soil is unsuitable for foundation because its A. Bearing capacity is low B. Permeability is uncertain C. Particles are cohesive D. Property to undergo a volumetric change due to variation of moisture content 32 / 50 32. The under surface of an arch, is called A. Soffit B. intrados C. Haunch D. Back 33 / 50 33. The foundation in which a cantilever beam is provided to join two footing, is known as A. Strip footing B. Strap footing C. Combined footing D. Raft footing 34 / 50 34. Queen closer may be placed A. In header course B. In stretcher course C. In header course next to first brick D. In stretcher course next to first brick 35 / 50 35. The side slope of cipolletti weir is generally kept A. 1 to 4 B. 1 to 3 C. 1 to 2 D. 1 to 1 36 / 50 36. Bernoulli’s equations assume that A. Fluid is non viscous B. Fluid is homogeneous C. Flow is along the stream line D. All of the above 37 / 50 37. If the volume of a liquid weighing 3000 kg is 4 cubic meter, 0.75 is its A. Specific Weight B. Specific mass C. Specific gravity D. None of the above 38 / 50 38. A pitot tube is used to measure A. Pressure B. velocity of flow C. Difference in flow D. None of these 39 / 50 39. The shape of the bending moment diagram over the length of a beam, carrying a uniformly distributed load is always A. Linear B. Parabolic C. Cubical D. Circular 40 / 50 40. If the shear force along a section of a beam is zero, the bending moment at the section is A. Zero B. Maximum C. Minimum D. Average of maximum and minimum 41 / 50 41. When the cantilever beam is loaded at its free end, the maximum tensile strength shall developed at A. Bottom Fiber B. Top fiber C. Neutral Fiber D. Center of gravity 42 / 50 42. Which of the following is dimension less ? A. Poission’s Ratio B. Strain C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above 43 / 50 43. Unit weight of R.C.C Concrete is: A. 2300 Kg/m3 B. 2400 Kg/m3 C. 2500 Kg/m3 D. 2600 Kg/m3 44 / 50 44. Distemper is used A. Roof top B. Plaster surface exposed to weather C. Plaster surface not exposed to weather D. None of these 45 / 50 45. The Raw materials which gives desired colour in paints is: A. Base B. Pigments C. Vehicles D. Solvent 46 / 50 46. Standard size of brick as per Indian standard is A. 230x115x57 mm B. 240x125x57 mm C. 190x90x90 mm D. 180x90x90 mm 47 / 50 47. Chainage is the distance A. Perpendicular to chain line B. Along the chain line C. Perpendicular to tie line D. All of the above 48 / 50 48. The contour line merge or across one another on the map in case of A. Cave B. Overhanging Cliff C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above 49 / 50 49. Methods most suitable for plotting in hilly area are A. Radiation B. Resection C. Intersection D. Traversing 50 / 50 50. A discrepancy is the difference between , A. True value and error value B. Measured value and actual value C. Two measured value of same quantity D. None of the above Your score is The average score is 73% 0% Restart quiz Exit loksewamcqmock testpscsub engineer
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