Sub-Engineer Mock Test of 50 Past Question #9

Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test.

1 / 50

1. Ratio of concrete used in D.P.C ( Damp Proof Course) is

2 / 50

2. The V- shaped contour represents

3 / 50

3. For the construction of highway

4 / 50

4. An imaginary line joining the points of equal elevation of the surface of the earth
represents the

5 / 50

5. The constant Horizontal distance between two adjacent contours is called

6 / 50

6. Plaster of pairs is obtained by calcining

7 / 50

7. Good quality cement contains higher percentage of

8 / 50

8. Refractory bricks resists

9 / 50

9. Early strength to cement provided by

10 / 50

10. A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 15 degree to 40 degree and it is free to
expand, the bar will induce

11 / 50

11. The unit of moment of inertia of an mass is

12 / 50

12. At the point of application of a concentrated load on a beam there is

13 / 50

13. Hooks law holds good upto

14 / 50

14. 1 m head is equivalent to

15 / 50

15. Falling drop of water becomes sphere due to

16 / 50

16. Pressure head is given by

17 / 50

17. For testing of saturated clay of shear strength, the recommend is

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18. on wetting, cohesive soil

19 / 50

19. The angle of internal friction is maximum for

20 / 50

20. Black cotton soli is unsuitable for foundation because its

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21. The width of lintel is generally taken as equal to

22 / 50

22. The minimum clear cover provided to slab is

23 / 50

23. The minimum number of reinforcement required in square column is

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24. The minimum number of reinforcement required in circular column is

25 / 50

25. Curing of pavements, floors, roofs and slabs is done by

26 / 50

26. Expansion joint in masonry wall are provided if length exceed

27 / 50

27. The Cover of column is

28 / 50

28. Bearing capacity of soil can not be improved by

29 / 50

29. Hard water for public water supply is discarded because

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30. Disinfection of drinking water, is done to remove

31 / 50

31. Surface water is obtained from

32 / 50

32. Mostly used coagulant is

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33. The operation which washes out salts from the upper zone of the soil is called

34 / 50

34. Source of water in mountain is

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35. The device provided near weirs or dams to facilities the irrigation of fish up
stream or downstream is called

36 / 50

36. Useful soil moisture for plant growth, is

37 / 50

37. The camber provided for earthen road, is

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38. Mostly used road in Nepal is

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39. The portion of road that is used pedestrians only is called

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40. Shape of camber provided for cement concrete pavement is

41 / 50

41. The approximate weight of one cubic meter of mild steel is

42 / 50

42. In case of roof truss made of steel, rivets bolts and nuts usually account for

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43. For electric wiring such as fan, light, plug etc estimate in made in terms of

44 / 50

44. The explosive for blasting is usually expressed in terms of

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45. The main responsibility of civil sub engineer is

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46. The occurrence of the starting of an activity is called its

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47. Various activities of a project, are shown on bar charts by

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48. A dummy activity

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49. According to ICAO all marking on the runways are painted white and taxiways

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50. Beaufort scale is used to determine

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