165 Sub-Engineer Mock Test of 50 Past Question #18 Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test. 1 / 50 1. The V- shaped contour represents A. Valley B. Ridge C. Both D. None of these 2 / 50 2. For the construction of highway A. Longitudinal section is required B. Cross section is required C. Both longtidunal and cross section are required D. None of the above 3 / 50 3. An imaginary line joining the points of equal elevation of the surface of the earth represents the A. Contour surface B. Contour gradient C. Contour line D. level line 4 / 50 4. The constant Horizontal distance between two adjacent contours is called A. Contour interval B. Horizontal equivalent C. vertical equivalent D. Contour gradient 5 / 50 5. Plaster of pairs is obtained by calcining A. Bauxite B. Gypsum C. Kankar D. Lime stone 6 / 50 6. Good quality cement contains higher percentage of A. Tri-calcium silicates B. Di-calcium silicates C. Tri-calcium aluminates D. Tetra calcium alumino ferrite 7 / 50 7. Refractory bricks resists A. High temperature B. Dampness C. Chemical action D. All of the above 8 / 50 8. Early strength to cement provided by A. Tricalcium silicates B. Di calcium silicates C. Tricalcium aluminate D. Tetra calcium alumino ferrite 9 / 50 9. A steel bar of 5 mm is heated from 15 degree to 40 degree and it is free to expand, the bar will induce A. No stress B. Shear stress C. Tensile stress D. Thermal stress 10 / 50 10. The unit of moment of inertia of an area is A. m4 B. kg m2 C. kg/m2 D. m3 11 / 50 11. At the point of application of a concentrated load on a beam there is A. Maximum bending moment B. Maximum deflection C. Sudden change of slope of B. M D. Point of contra flexure 12 / 50 12. The ratio of ultimate to the working load is called A. collapse factor B. Load factor C. Strength factor D. work factor 13 / 50 13. Working edge of the drawing board is kept…….. of the users A. Left B. Right C. Ahead D. All of the above 14 / 50 14. To draw or measure angles ……… is used A. Set-square B. T-square C. Protractor D. all of above 15 / 50 15. For testing compressive strength of cement, the size of cube used is A. 50 mm B. 70.6 mm C. 100 mm D. 150 mm 16 / 50 16. The percentage of alumina in a good brick earth lies between A. 5 to 10% B. 20 to 30% C. 50 to 60% D. 70 to 80% 17 / 50 17. For testing of saturated clay of shear strength, the recommend is A. Direct shear test B. Unconfined compressive test C. Triaxial compression test D. All of the above 18 / 50 18. On wetting, cohesive soil A. Loose permeability B. Gain shear strength C. Loose elasticity D. Decrease their shear strength 19 / 50 19. The angle of internal friction is maximum for A. Angular grain dense send B. Angular grain loose sand C. Round grain dense sand D. Round grain loose sand 20 / 50 20. Black cotton soli is unsuitable for foundation because its A. Bearing capacity is low B. Permeability is uncertain C. Particles are cohesive D. Property to undergo a volumetric change due to variation of moisture content 21 / 50 21. Total losses in canal is A. 40 % of total discharge B. 10 % of total discharge C. 60 % of total discharge D. equal to the seepage losses 22 / 50 22. The shape of the lined canal recommended by ISI is A. triangular B. rectangular C. parabolic D. trapezoidal 23 / 50 23. Super elevation provided from the center of road to outer edge is known as A. cambering B. peaking C. hampering D. tempering 24 / 50 24. The distance over which excavated material is transported, is called A. lead B. haul C. run D. all of the above 25 / 50 25. Siddhartha highway connect A. Sunauli-pokhara B. Kathmandu-pokhara C. Birgunj-pokhara D. none of the above 26 / 50 26. Expansion joint in masonry wall are provided if length exceed A. 10 meter B. 20 meter C. 30 meter D. 40 meter 27 / 50 27. The nominal thickness of the brick wall in mm is A. 90 mm B. 150 mm C. 190 mm D. 200 mm 28 / 50 28. Bearing capacity of soil can not be improved by A. Draining sub soil water B. Driving sand piles C. Ramming crushed stone in soil D. Watering surface of soil 29 / 50 29. Hard water for public water supply is discarded because A. It consumes more soap B. It contains pathogenic bacteria C. It contains lot of turbidity D. It possess bad test and colour 30 / 50 30. Disinfection of drinking water, is done to remove A. Odour B. Bacteria C. Virus D. Hardness 31 / 50 31. Surface water is obtained from A. Well B. Spring C. Artesian well D. Rain 32 / 50 32. The devices which are installed for drawing water from the sources are called A. aquifers B. aquiclude C. filters D. intakes 33 / 50 33. The operation which washes out salts from the upper zone of the soil is called A. Reclamation B. Leaching C. Efflorescence D. Salinity 34 / 50 34. The phenomenon of salt coming up in solution and forming a layer of crust on surface after the evaporation of water is known as A. Reclamation B. Leaching C. Efflorescence D. Salinity 35 / 50 35. The device provided near weirs or dams to facilities the irrigation of fish up stream or downstream is called A. Fish net B. Fish ladder C. Fish channel D. Fish pond 36 / 50 36. Useful soil moisture for plant growth, is A. Capillary water B. Gravity water C. Hygroscopic water D. Chemical water 37 / 50 37. The camber provided for earthen road, is A. 7 % B. 5 % C. 4 % D. 3 % 38 / 50 38. The maximum percentage of grade compensation should be A. 60/R B. 70/R C. 75/R D. 80/R 39 / 50 39. The portion of road that is used pedestrians only is called A. Side walk B. Footpath C. foot way D. All of the above 40 / 50 40. A gradient along which the vehicle does not required any tractive effort to maintain a specified speed is known as A. Ruling gradient B. Pushing gradient C. Floating gradient D. Minimum gradient 41 / 50 41. The approximate weight of one cubic meter of mild steel is A. 100 kg B. 2400 kg C. 7850 kg D. 7950 kg 42 / 50 42. In case of roof truss made of steel, rivets bolts and nuts usually account for A. 1 % B. 5 % C. 8 % D. 20 % 43 / 50 43. For electric wiring such as fan, light, plug etc estimate in made in terms of A. Types of point B. Number of points C. Total load at main kilowatt D. Total lengths of wiring in meters 44 / 50 44. The explosive for blasting is usually expressed in terms of A. Explosive powder B. Kilogram C. Volume of earthwork that can be blasted D. None of the above 45 / 50 45. The occurrence of the completion of an activity is called its A. Head event B. Tail event C. dual role event D. None of the above 46 / 50 46. The occurrence of the starting of an activity is called its A. Head event B. Tail event C. dual role event D. None of the above 47 / 50 47. Various activities of a project, are shown on bar charts by A. Vertical lines B. Horizontal lines C. Dots D. Crosses 48 / 50 48. Maximum permissible limit of magnesia content in ordinary Portland cement is A. 4% B. 6% C. 8% D. 10% 49 / 50 49. According to ICAO all marking on the runways are painted white and taxiways A. Black B. Red C. Yellow D. Green 50 / 50 50. Beaufort scale is used to determine A. Strength of winds B. Direction of winds C. Height of air crafts D. None of these Your score is The average score is 70% 0% Restart quiz Exit loksewamcqmcq civilmock testpscsub engineersub engineer mock test