169 Sub-Engineer Mock Test of 50 Past Question #17 Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test. 1 / 50 1. Great accuracy in linear measurements, is obtained by A. tacheometry B. direct chaining C. direct taping D. all of the above 2 / 50 2. Planimeter is used for measuring A. volume B. area C. slope D. all of above 3 / 50 3. Sensitiveness of a level tube is designated by A. radius of the level tube B. length of level tube C. length of bubble of level tube D. none of the above 4 / 50 4. A first temporary adjustment of a prismatic compass A. levelling B. focusing the prism C. Removing the parallax D. centering 5 / 50 5. In which of the following direction, the strength of timber is maximum ? A. parallel to the grains B. 45 degree to grains C. perpendicular to grains D. same in all direction 6 / 50 6. Which of the following cements contains maximum percentage of dicalcium silicates A. Ordinary Portland Cement B. Rapid Hardening cement C. Low heat cement D. Portland pozzlona cement 7 / 50 7. Paints with white lead base are suitable for painting of A. wood works B. iron works C. both of above D. None of above 8 / 50 8. In paints pigment is added for A. Shilling surface B. Colour C. Smoothening the surface D. Easy drying 9 / 50 9. For which of the following materials, the poisson’s ratio is excepted to the least A. steel B. concrete C. mild steel D. copper 10 / 50 10. A reinforced concrete beam is considered as made of A. Homogeneous materials B. Hetrogeneous materials C. composite materials D. Isotropic materials 11 / 50 11. Inclined load generally causes ? A. thrust of the beam B. Twisting of the beam C. point of contraflexure D. all of the above 12 / 50 12. Section modulus of circular section is A. πD4 /64 B. πD4 /32 C. πD3 /32 D. πD3 /64 13 / 50 13. The mass per unit volume of a liquid at a standard temperature and pressure is called A. specific weight B. mass density C. specific gravity D. none of these 14 / 50 14. A discrepancy is the difference between , A. True value and error value B. Measured value and actual value C. Two measured value of same quantity D. None of the above 15 / 50 15. Methods most suitable for plotting in hilly area are A. Radiation B. Resection C. Intersection D. Traversing 16 / 50 16. The contour line merge or across one another on the map in case of A. Cave B. Overhanging Cliff C. Both (a) and (b) D. None of the above 17 / 50 17. By an agriculturist, soil is defined as A. the loose mantle at the surface of the earth which favours the growth of plant B. a natural aggregate of mineral grains, loose or moderately cohesive, inorganic or organic in nature C. a disintegrated rock D. none of the above 18 / 50 18. The art of representation of an object systemic lines on a paper is known as A. drawing B. art C. dimensioning D. profession 19 / 50 19. The space between two sentences should be left equal to A. height of letter B. twice the ht. of letter C. 1.5 times ht. of letter D. none of the above 20 / 50 20. The point of intersection of co-ordinate axis is called A. zero-zero B. origin C. cross point D. all of the above 21 / 50 21. Set squares are not used to draw A. straight line B. vertical line T-square C. Horizontal line D. all of the above 22 / 50 22. Perspective drawing is done for A. not for civil engineers B. show details of market products C. both (a)and(b) of above D. the none of the above 23 / 50 23. The minimum number of main steel bars provided in R.C.C A. Rectangular column is 4 B. Circular column is 6 C. Octagonal column is 8 D. All of the above 24 / 50 24. The diameter of longitudinal bars of column should never be less than A. 6 mm B. 8 mm C. 12 mm D. 16 mm 25 / 50 25. Raft foundation are generally preferred to when the area required for individual footing, is more than A. 25% to total area B. 30% of total area C. 40% to total area D. 50% of total area 26 / 50 26. The minimum load which will cause failure of a foundation is called A. ultimate tensile strength B. nominal strength C. ultimate bearing power D. ultimate compressive strength 27 / 50 27. The maximum bearing capacity of soil is that of A. hard rocks B. black cotton soil C. dry, coarse sandy soil D. fine sandy soil 28 / 50 28. When the walls are subjected to heavy loading and the bearing capacity of the soil is very low, then the wall is constructed on A. reinforced concrete footing B. column footing C. lean concrete footing D. lean concrete footing 29 / 50 29. Hard water for public water supply is discarded because A. It consumes more soap B. It contains pathogenic bacteria C. It contains lot of turbidity D. It possess bad test and colour 30 / 50 30. Disinfection of drinking water, is done to remove A. Odour B. Bacteria C. Virus D. Hardness 31 / 50 31. Surface water is obtained from A. Well B. Spring C. Artesian well D. Rain 32 / 50 32. Mostly used coagulant is, A. Alum B. Chlorine C. Lime D. Bleaching powder 33 / 50 33. Sandy soils with good drainage become impermeable after prolonged use, if it is irrigated with a water containing A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 85% 34 / 50 34. The amount of water required to fill up the pore spaces in soil particles by replacing all air held in pore spaces, is known as A. field capacity B. saturation capacity C. available moisture D. all of these 35 / 50 35. Available moisture may be defined as the A. moisture content at permanent wilting point B. difference in water content of the soil between field capacity and permanent wilting C. maximum moisture holding capacity D. all of these 36 / 50 36. The field capacity of a soil depends upon A. capillary tension in soil B. porosity of soil C. either (a) or (b) D. both (a) and (b) 37 / 50 37. The term used for major or important roads of a country is A. country road B. urban road C. highway D. none of these 38 / 50 38. The portion of a road surface, which is used by vehicular traffic, is known as A. carriage-way B. shoulder C. express way D. all of these 39 / 50 39. The camber, for the drainage of surface water, was first introduced by A. Telford B. Tresaguet C. Sully D. Macadam 40 / 50 40. The order of booking dimensions is A. Breadth, length, height B. Length, breadth, height C. Height, breadth, length D. None of these 41 / 50 41. The height of the sink of wash basin above floor level is kept A. 60 cm B. 70 cm C. 75 cm to 80 cm D. 80 cm 42 / 50 42. Total projects time is the A. sum of duration of all activities B. sum of duration of non-critical activities C. sum of duration of critical activities D. none of the above 43 / 50 43. Airport construction are termed as A. Light construction B. heavy construction C. industrial construction D. none of the above 44 / 50 44. Final technical authority of a project lies with A. Assistant Engineers B. Executive Engineer C. Superintending Engineer D. Chief Engineer 45 / 50 45. The performance of a specific task in CPM, is known A. Dummy B. Event C. Activity D. Contract 46 / 50 46. For the proposed runway stated in if the aerodrome reference temperature is 17°.2, the net designed length of the runway is A. 2716 m B. 2816 m C. 2916 m D. 3016 m 47 / 50 47. The water content of soil, which represents the boundary between plastic state and liquid state, is known as A. liquid limit B. plastic limit C. shrinkage limit D. plasticity index 48 / 50 48. Which of the following represents hardest grade of bitumen ? A. 30/40 B. 60/70 C. 80/100 D. 100/120 49 / 50 49. Penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its A. grade B. viscosity C. ductility D. temperature susceptibility 50 / 50 50. Le Chatelier’s device is used for determining the A. setting time of cement B. soundness of cement C. tensile strength of cement D. compressive strength of cement Your score is The average score is 67% 0% Restart quiz Exit loksewamcqmcq civilmcqcivilmock testpscsub engineersub engineer mock test