274 Sub-Engineer Mock Test of 50 Past Question #10 Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test. 1 / 50 1. An offsets more than 15 m in length is known as … A. Long offsets B. Short offsets C. Perpendicular offsets D. Oblique offsets 2 / 50 2. The Curvature of the earth is talent into account if the limit of survey is A. 50 to 100 km2 B. 100 to 200 km2 C. 200 to 250 km2 D. more than 260 km2 3 / 50 3. For dimensioning and lettering normally following pencil are used A. H & HB B. 2H & HB C. H & 2HB D. 2H & 2HB 4 / 50 4. The size of A3 paper is A. 297 mm x 420 mm B. 210 mm x 297 mm C. 420 mm x 850 mm D. None of the above 5 / 50 5. The drawing for municipality is done at scale A. 1" = 8' B. 1:50 C. 1:96 D. Both a & c 6 / 50 6. The main objective of writing letters or alphabets on the drawing is to make the drawing A. More fantastic B. More informative C. More Expansive D. All of the above 7 / 50 7. Pegmatite is A. Igneous rock B. metamorphic rock C. sedimentary rock D. granular rock 8 / 50 8. A stone rejected if it absorb water more than A. 5% B. 10 % C. 15 % D. 20 % 9 / 50 9. For 50 kg cement water required is A. 16.5 % B. 20 % C. 22.5 % D. 25 % 10 / 50 10. Main constituents of best brick is A. Silica B. Alumina C. alkali D. lime 11 / 50 11. Cast iron carbon content is …….% A. 2 B. 4 C. 2-4 D. 3-6 12 / 50 12. Which type of mortar has higher strength: A. Mud B. Lime C. Gauged D. Cement 13 / 50 13. PVC Stand for A. Poly Versatile Compound B. Poly Vinyl Chloride C. Poly Versatile Cement D. Poly Vinyl Carbon 14 / 50 14. Protractor is used for measuring … A. angle B. length C. lands D. arc length 15 / 50 15. The nominal size of brick as per NBC is A. 228*110*65 mm B. 240*115*57mm C. 300*150*75 mm D. all of the above 16 / 50 16. Size of A4 paper is A. 297×250 mm B. 297*210mm C. 297*420 mm D. 420*850mm 17 / 50 17. Offsets angle used in chain surveying is A. 30 degree B. 45 degree C. 90 degree D. All of the above 18 / 50 18. Which of the following scale is the smallest one A. 1 cm = 10 m B. 1 cm = 100 m C. 1 cm = 1000 m D. 1 cm = 10000 m 19 / 50 19. One dharni is equivalent to …….kg A. 2.4 B. 2.45 C. 2.5 D. Any of these 20 / 50 20. For plastering works payment is based on measurements of… A. Sq.m B. Cu.m C. m D. Kg 21 / 50 21. Quantity of reinforcement is computed in terms of A. Sq.m B. Cu.m C. m D. Kg 22 / 50 22. The manholes is generally provided at A. junction B. bend C. change of gradient D. all of the above 23 / 50 23. Which of the following is methods of wiring A. joint box B. Tee system C. Loop in system D. All of the above 24 / 50 24. Power is measured in A. Joules B. pascals C. watt D. Ohms 25 / 50 25. Longest highway in Nepal is ………Highway A. Mahendra B. Kodrai C. B.P D. Tribhivan Rajpath 26 / 50 26. Retaining wall is used for A. River protection B. Boundary of building C. Withstand filling materials D. All of the above 27 / 50 27. Ground water is obtained from A. well B. lake C. pond D. river 28 / 50 28. Hydraulic structures is designed by withstand A. Seepage force B. Hydraulic jump C. hydraulic pressure D. all of the above 29 / 50 29. Pick up the correct statement from the following: A. Rivers, Lakes, oceans and springs get water from the rains B. Rain water is obtained by evaporation from rivers, lakes and oceans. C. Water remains in atmosphere as vapours D. All of the above 30 / 50 30. G.I Pipe has coating of A. Zinc B. Silver C. lead D. all of the above 31 / 50 31. For irrigation purpose, the pH value of water should be A. between 3 and 6 B. between 6 and 8.5 C. between 8.5 to 11 D. more than 11 32 / 50 32. In semi urban area of Nepal, per capita demand of water is A. 55 L B. 65 L C. 35 L D. 45 L 33 / 50 33. The top diameter, bottom diameter, and height of the slump mould are : A. 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm B. 10 cm, 30 cm, 20 cm C. 20 cm, 10 cm, 30 cm D. None of the above 34 / 50 34. Unit weight of PCC ( Plain Cement concrete) is A. 24 KN/m3 B. 25 KN/m3 C. 2.4 T/m3 D. Both (A) and (C) 35 / 50 35. The duty is largest A. At the head of main canal B. At the head of water course C. On the field D. Same at all place 36 / 50 36. Lining of canal ……. the maintenance of the canal A. Increase B. Decrease C. Does not affect D. None of the above 37 / 50 37. An underground passes used by pedestrian, vehicular traffic etc..is called, A. Sub way B. Service road C. Fly over D. Drive way 38 / 50 38. Which materials pipe has long duration of life span A. cement concrete B. cast iron C. steel D. G.I 39 / 50 39. Minimum radius of curvature for any types of curves should not be less than A. 10m B. 12m C. 25 m D. 20 m 40 / 50 40. The total reaction time for an average driver for normal situation is A. 5 sec B. 2 sec C. 3 sec D. 4 sec 41 / 50 41. Sidhartha highway connects with A. Kathmandu – Pokhara B. Sunauli- Pokhara C. Birgunj – Pokhara D. Mustang – Pokhara 42 / 50 42. The volume of course aggregate required to make 100 m3 of 1:2:4 concrete is A. 84 m3 B. 87 m3 C. 90 m3 D. 93 m3 43 / 50 43. Turbidity of water is remedied by A. Sedimentation B. Chlorination C. Filtration D. All of the above 44 / 50 44. Water losses in water supply, is assumed as A. 5 % B. 7.5 % C. 10 % D. 15 % 45 / 50 45. For D.P.C at plinth level, the commonly adopted materials is, A. Bitumen sheeting B. plastic sheeting C. Mastic Asphalt D. cement concrete 46 / 50 46. The form work for vertical side of beam and column can be removed only after A. 1 to 2 days B. 3 days C. 4 days D. 7 days 47 / 50 47. Weight of steel per cubic meter (m3) A. 1000 kg B. 2000 kg C. 7850 kg D. 8850 kg 48 / 50 48. For D.P.C at plinth level, the mostly adopted materials is, A. Bitumen sheeting B. plastic sheeting C. Mastic Asphalt D. cement concrete 49 / 50 49. The place where reading is taken is known as A. level B. Ground C. Station D. all of the above 50 / 50 50. The cement sand mortar preferred in load bearing wall is A. 1: 2 B. 1: 4 C. 1: 8 D. 1: 6 Your score is The average score is 76% 0% Restart quiz Exit loksewamcqmock testsub engineersub engineer mock test