260 Sub-Engineer 50 Past Question Mock Test #6 Sub-Engineer Collection of 50 Past Question from Loksewa Aayog Mock Test. 1 / 50 1. Example for level surface A. Surface of earth B. Surface of sea C. Surface of still lake D. Surface of reservoir 2 / 50 2. Chain surveying is well adopted for A. Small areas in open ground B. Small areas with crowded details C. Large area with simple details D. Large area with difficult details 3 / 50 3. Rise and fall method is used for A. Profile leveling B. Differential levelling C. Check leveling D. Both (b) and (c) 4 / 50 4. The most of stone posses sp. Gr. In the range of A. 1-1.5 B. 1.5-2 C. 2.4-2.9 D. 3-4 5 / 50 5. The sieve no. used in the fineness modulus test of cement is A. 1 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 6 / 50 6. Distemper is used on A. Brick walls B. Concrete surface C. Plaster surface on exposed weather D. Plaster surface on unexposed weather 7 / 50 7. Smith test of stones is performed to find out A. the presence of soluble material B. tensile strength C. presence of lime D. none of these 8 / 50 8. If W is the UDL on circular slab of radius R fixed at its ends, the maximum positive radial moment at its center, is A. 3WR2/16 B. 2WR2/16 C. WR2/16 D. zero 9 / 50 9. A beam is said to be loaded in pure bending when A. Bending moment and shear force are constant but not zero B. Bending moment is changing linearly C. Bending moment and shear force both are changing linearly D. Bending moment is constant 10 / 50 10. Unit weight of RCC in kg/m3 , is A. 2200 B. 2400 C. 2500 D. 2600 11 / 50 11. Shape of the bending moment over length of beam having no external load is always A. Linear B. Parabolic C. Cubical D. Circular 12 / 50 12. Tintometer is used to measure the A. Odour B. Colour C. Turbidity D. None of the above 13 / 50 13. The property of liquid by virtue of which molecule get attracted to another body is known as A. Viscosity B. Surface tension C. Adhesion D. Capillary action 14 / 50 14. Piezometers are used to measure A. Pressure in water channels, pipes e.t.c B. Difference in pressure at two points C. Atmospheric pressure D. Very low pressure 15 / 50 15. The head of water representing in case of HGL line is known as A. Static head B. Residual head C. Pressure head D. All of the above 16 / 50 16. Uniformity Coefficient is the ratio of A. D10 to D60 B. D85 to D60 C. D30 to D60 D. D60 to D10 17 / 50 17. Minimum size of course aggregate is A. 4.75mm B. 75mm C. 4.02mm D. All 18 / 50 18. The pycnometer is used to determine A. Specific gravity and dry density B. Water content and void ratio C. Water content and specific gravity D. Dry density void ratio 19 / 50 19. A fully saturated soil is called A. One phase system B. Two phase system with soil and air C. Two phase system with soil and water D. Three phase system 20 / 50 20. The surface width of the crack shall not generally exceed A. 0.1 mm B. 0.32 mm C. 0.3 mm D. 0.4 mm 21 / 50 21. Design of RCC cantilever beams, is based on the resultant force at A. Fixed end B. Free end C. Mid span D. Mid span and fixed support 22 / 50 22. Lap Splice in tension reinforcement are permitted for bars A. >36 mm B. <36mm C. >25mm D. <25mm 23 / 50 23. Minimum no. of bars in circular column A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 10 24 / 50 24. Cement concrete in which high compressive stress is developed artificially is called A. Reinforce concrete B. plain concrete C. Prestressed concrete D. Micro concrete 25 / 50 25. The construction of a temporary structure required to support an unsafe structure is called A. Underpinning B. Scaffolding C. Shoring D. Jacketing 26 / 50 26. The most commonly used material for damp proofing is A. Bitumen B. Parrafin wax C. Cement solution D. Cement concrete 27 / 50 27. The portion of brick obtained by cutting a brick lengthwise into two directions is known as A. King Closer B. Beveled Closer C. Queen Closer D. Mitred Closer 28 / 50 28. Turbidity is mainly due to A. Floating solids B. Suspended solids C. Colloidal solids D. Dissolved solids 29 / 50 29. Mostly used coagulant is A. Chlorine B. Alum C. Lime D. Bleaching Powder 30 / 50 30. The detention time in a septic tank is usually A. 1-2 hours B. 5-6 hours C. 18-24 hours D. 22-24 hours 31 / 50 31. Letache is observed in A. Septic tank B. Sewage C. Landfill D. None of the above 32 / 50 32. A hydraulic structure is designed to withstand A. Seepage forces B. Hydraulic Jump C. Hydraulic Pressure D. All of the above 33 / 50 33. Crest level is kept low with large gates in a A. Sluice B. Escape C. Regulator D. Barrage 34 / 50 34. Pitot tube is used to measure A. Area B. Velocity C. Discharge D. All of the above 35 / 50 35. The structure provided where natural drainage and canal meets at same level is A. Aqueduct B. Siphon C. Super Passage D. Level Crossing 36 / 50 36. The first watering before sowing the crop, is known as A. Kor watering B. Paleo watering C. Delta D. None of these 37 / 50 37. In river training works, spurs are provided A. Transverse to river B. Longitudinal to river C. Parallel to river D. None of above 38 / 50 38. Minimum gradient in highway A. 0 .5% B. 1% C. 1.5% D. All of the above 39 / 50 39. In water bound macadam roads, binding material is A. Sand B. Stone dust C. Cement D. Brick dust 40 / 50 40. Raising of outer edge of a road with respect to inner edge is A. Superelevation B. Cant C. Banking D. All of the above 41 / 50 41. When calculating the overtaking sight distance, the height of the object above the road surface is assumed A. zero B. 50 cm C. 75 cm D. 100 cm 42 / 50 42. Drain is provided in A. hill side of road B. Outer side of road C. Both side of road D. None of the above 43 / 50 43. The intermediate supports on bridge are called A. Bearing wall B. Abutment C. Wing wall D. Piers 44 / 50 44. The value of the property without being dismantled at the end of the useful life period is known as A. Scrap value B. Salvation value C. Junk value D. Book value 45 / 50 45. For 100 sqm cement concrete(1:2:4) 4 cm thick floor, the quantity of cement required A. 0.90 m3 B. 0.94 m3 C. 0.98 m3 D. 1 m3 46 / 50 46. The required no. of bricks(size 9”* 4.5”*2.25”) for 1 cum masonry wall A. 1000 B. 0.94 m3 C. 0.98 m3 D. 1 m3 47 / 50 47. The required no. of bricks(size 9”* 4.5”*2.25”) for 1 cum masonry wall A. 1000 B. 875 C. 560 D. 250 48 / 50 48. Maximum size of aggregate used in slab casting, is A. 5mm B. 10mm C. 15mm D. 20mm 49 / 50 49. Scrap value of concrete is A. Negative B. Positive C. Depends upon age of concrete D. All the above 50 / 50 50. Brick lining is measured in A. R.m B. Sqm C. cum D. all the above Your score is The average score is 66% 0% Restart quiz Exit loksewamcqmock testpscsub engineer